X-LIVE是由国内知名演出投资公司-大景文化(北京)有限公司主投的现场演出机构。诞生于2015年1月15日,源自我们对现场满溢的热爱之情。我们致力于发掘和策划最酷、最有影响力的海内外现场演出,呈现给广大内地观众,让观众有机会体验优质现场的多样性、包容度、创造力。 努力使整个演出行业朝着更专业、更合理、更优质的方向发展。
X-LIVE is a premier live performance promoter, funded by the prominent investment company - Dajing Entertainment Co.,Ltd. X-LIVE ’s mission is to promote some cool live shows and maxim-ize the live experience. Our strategy is to leverage our leadership position in live entertainment and our relationships with fans, venues, artists and advertisers. Our accumulated knowledge, relation-ships and contacts across the industry and the world allow us to launch, sustain and enhance live career.