然后 人类补完计划开始了———
广州二次元同人死核乐队Human Instrumentality Project人類補完計画。
2021年,乐队推出首张EP ,由残忍统治厂牌发行,EP收录五首正式歌曲及其器乐版本。以“The Children”(适格者的少年少女们)为概念,通过四位驾驶EVA的孩子们,用极端音乐的形式展现我们所看到的那个病态、扭曲、充斥着精神污染的旧世纪福音世界。
乐队发行的首张 EP 唱片,在同行评议中表现出色。在国内,唱片荣登“就爱重金属”评选的 2021二十佳中国金属唱片,“宿醉天台”评选的2021年六星专辑推荐,以及受到“神经发声”等音乐自媒体的宣发。乐队还先后在全国五座城市参与演出活动,受到乐迷朋友们喜爱。
同时唱片也得到了国际各重型平台及媒体人的支持和报道,EP全球发行后即刻登陆Youtube知名极端音乐平台Slam Worldwide至今已斩获超一万次播放量。其中不乏在 Tik-Tok 坐拥十万粉丝的海外重型杂志Metalsucks,并入选撰稿人Ryan心目中2021 国际 15 大重型专辑第四位。唱片还被多国媒体人,如Keem(美国:The Browning)、Bill Schrader(美国) 、Bill Schrader(美国)、Andrew(美国:Yanderechainsawregurgitationfactory电锯娘)、Beejay(尼日利亚)和Evy Wisse(欧洲)等网红博主报道。乐队还收到来自欧洲唱片大厂 Napalm Records 的合作邀约。作品还被收录在诸多外网知名重型自媒体的Spotify榜单之中,如“Death Metal 2022”,“New Metal Playlist”,“New Undergroud Metal Rader”等。
实体唱片在中国大陆地区不到三周销量破百,并与残忍统治厂牌合作将唱片远销海外。唱片通过日本分销商 Amputated Vein Records 上架后三小时内售罄,收获日本听众的广泛好评,AVR厂牌四度从中国补货,销量破百。同时唱片也登陆了日本极端名厂Obliteration Records的销售网络中。在美国由 Comatose Music(售罄)、 Sevared Records(售罄)及 Gore House Productions等老牌权威极端名厂上线后反响热烈。唱片还由 Pathologically Explicit Recordings(售罄) 代理在西班牙上线,顺利登陆欧洲市场。
2022年,乐队与国内知名重型厂牌ONE OF US签约,并不断磨砺自身,力求为观众提供更高水平和更具残酷性的现场。而首张唱片的欧洲特供版本也将与德国极端厂牌 Rising Nemesis Records 于22年年中合作发行。乐队也即将与国内周边服饰品牌 NCM Shop、中国台湾地区 Ftolrecords、东南亚极端巨擎厂牌 Brutal Mind,加拿大新兴极端厂牌 Ffhrecords等开展周边合作。且乐队的限量版EP磁带也将在今年年中全球发售。
社交平台 (Social media):
微信公众号(WeChat Official Account) :@人類補完計画樂隊
哔哩哔哩(Bilibili): @人類補完計画樂隊
新浪微博(Weibo): @Human_Instrumentality_Project
Instagram: @humaninstrumentalityproject_
Facebook Page: @Humaninstrumentalityprojectband
音乐平台 (Streaming platform):
(国内)网易云音乐/QQ音乐/酷狗音乐/酷我音乐: @Human Instrumentality Project
(国外)Spotify/Apple music/Napster/Tidal/Bandcamp/Youtube: @Human Instrumentality Project
网站 (Website):
Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/Humaninstrumentalityprojectband
"My whole existence and purpose was all leading up to today? This exact moment ?"
"It is."
Then, the Human Instrumentality Project begins ——
Human Instrumentality Project are an anime inspired deathcore band from Guangzhou, China.
Most of their compositions are based upon the animation "NEON GENESIS EVANGELION" and by using deathcore, present the Evagelion universe across the canvas of their music.
Their album and promo artwork displays a world that is distorted, morbid and full of mental pollution, where mankind breath a gloomy and dead atmosphere.
Deeper themes of psychological breakdown and religious iconography are woven in tightly and all throughout and twisted into new musical DNA strands.
By combining classical music as well as backing music from the anime OST with brutal ripping deathcore the band are able to capture the duality of humanity present throughout Evangelion.
Human beings are always lonely, because there is an insurmountable "wall of heart" between each other.
But if our inner self can be filled...then the world is ours to destroy or save as we see fit——"Youth, become a myth!"